di Hula: i terroristi dell'opposizione "hanno ucciso famiglie
leali al governo"
Marat Musin
di Global Research
rapporto incisivo del giornalista indipendente russo Marat Musin
dissipa le menzogne e falsificazioni dei media occidentali. Il
rapporto si basa sulla cronologia degli eventi e su testimonianze
oculari. Intere famiglie filo-governative sono state massacrate a
Hula. I terroristi non erano delle milizie filo-governative shabbiha
come riportato, all'unisono, dai media mainstream, ma erano in gran
parte mercenari e assassini professionisti che operano sotto la
protezione del sedicente Libero Esercito Siriano (FSA). (…)
strage di Hula viene accusato il governo siriano, senza uno straccio
di prova. L'obiettivo è non solo di isolare la Siria politicamente
ed economicamente, ma di far nascere un pretesto e una
giustificazione per scatenare una guerra umanitaria R2P
[Responsabilità di Proteggere] sulla Siria. L'ambasciatore Usa alle
Nazioni Unite, Susan Rice, ha lasciato intendere che se il Consiglio
di Sicurezza non agirà, gli Stati Uniti e i loro alleati prenderanno
in considerazione "azioni al di fuori del piano Annan e
dell'autorità del Consiglio [di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite]".
racconto di Marat Musin conferma che i crimini contro l'umanità
vengono commessi da milizie terroristiche. È indispensabile
invertire la tendenza della propaganda di guerra che usa i morti
civili come pretesto per la guerra, quando questi omicidi sono stati
effettuati non dalle forze governative, ma da parte di terroristi
professionisti che operano sotto la guida del Libero Esercito Siriano
sostenuto da USA e NATO.
Chossudovsky, Global Research, Montreal, giugno 2012
fine settimana del 25 maggio 2012, intorno alle ore 14, nutriti
gruppi di combattenti hanno attaccato e preso la città di Al-Hula
della provincia di Homs. Al-Hula è costituita da tre aree: il
villaggio di Taldou, Kafr Laha e Taldahab, ciascuna delle quali in
precedenza era abitata da 25-30 mila persone.
città è stata attaccata da nord-est da parte di gruppi di banditi e
mercenari consistenti di 700 effettivi. I militanti provenivano da
Ar-Rastan (la Brigata di al-Farouk del Libero Esercito Siriano,
comandata dal terrorista Abdul Razak Tlass con 250 elementi), dal
villaggio di Akraba (guidati dal terrorista Yahya Al-Yousef), dal
villaggio Farlaha, composta da banditi locali, e da Al Hula.
città di Ar-Rastan è stata da tempo abbandonata dalla maggior parte
dei civili. Ora i wahhabiti del Libano dominano la scena, alimentati
col denaro e le armi da uno dei principali orchestratori del
terrorismo internazionale, Saad Hariri, capo del movimento politico
anti-siriano "Tayyar Al-Mustaqbal" ("Movimento del
Futuro"). La strada che va da Ar-Rastan ad Al-Hula attraversa
aree beduine che sono per lo più fuori dal controllo delle truppe
governative, il che ha reso gli attacchi una completa sorpresa per le
autorità siriane.
i ribelli si sono impossessati del checkpoint inferiore nel centro
della città e posizionato vicino al dipartimento di polizia locale,
hanno cominciato a rastrellare tutte le famiglie fedeli alle autorità
delle case vicine, compresi anziani, donne e bambini. Diverse
famiglie degli Al-Sayed sono stati uccise, inclusi 20 bambini e la
famiglia dei Abdul Razak. Molti degli uccisi erano "colpevoli"
di aver osato passare da sunniti a sciiti. Queste persone sono state
uccise con colpi sparati a bruciapelo o accoltellate. Poi hanno
presentato gli assassinati alle Nazioni Unite e alla comunità
internazionale come vittime dei bombardamenti dell'esercito siriano,
cosa che non trova riscontro in alcun segno sui loro corpi.
che gli osservatori ONU, dall'Hotel Safir a Homs durante la notte,
abbiano sentito il fuoco di artiglieria contro Al-Hula... la
considero niente meno che uno scherzo di cattivo gusto. Ci sono 50
chilometri da Homs ad Al-Hula. Quale tipo di carri o cannoni hanno
questa gittata? Sì, c'era un intenso fuoco a Homs fino alle 3 del
mattino, incluse le armi pesanti. Ma, per fare un esempio, le
sparatorie della notte tra lunedì e martedì erano dovute ad un
tentativo da parte di forze governative di riprendere il controllo di
un corridoio di sicurezza lungo la strada per Damasco, Tarik Al-Sham.
un controllo sul campo, ad Al Hula è impossibile trovare tracce
recenti di distruzione e bombardamenti. Durante il giorno, diversi
attacchi da parte di uomini armati sono stati condotti contro gli
ultimi soldati rimasti al checkpoint di Taldou. I militanti
utilizzavano armi pesanti ed erano sostenuti da cecchini mercenari
la stessa provocazione aveva fallito a Shumar (Homs) con 49
miliziani, e donne e bambini uccisi, quando poco prima era stata
organizzata una visita di Kofi Annan. La provocazione venne subito
scoperta, non appena saputo che i corpi appartenevano ad alawiti.
Questa provocazione aveva anche gravi incongruenze: i nomi delle
vittime erano di persone leali alle autorità, non c'erano tracce di
bombardamenti, ecc.
la macchina della provocazione va avanti lo stesso. Oggi, i paesi
della NATO minacciano direttamente di bombardare la Siria, iniziando
da una simultanea espulsione dei diplomatici siriani... A partire da
oggi, non ci sono truppe dentro la città di Al Hula, ma si sentono
costantemente colpi di arma automatica. Inoltre, non è chiaro se i
miliziani stanno combattendo tra di loro o se i sostenitori di Bashar
al-Assad stanno venendo eliminati.
miliziani hanno aperto il fuoco praticamente su tutti coloro che
cercano di avvicinarsi alla città di confine. Davanti a noi un
convoglio delle Nazioni Unite è stato colpito e due jeep blindate
degli osservatori ONU sono state danneggiate, quando hanno cercato
raggiungere un checkpoint dell'esercito a Tal Dow. (…)
un soldato ferito: "Il giorno dopo, gli osservatori ONU sono
venuti da noi al posto di blocco e appena arrivati, uomini armati
hanno aperto il fuoco su di loro e tre di noi sono stati feriti. (…)
Gli osservatori hanno potuto sentire una donna che stava accanto a
loro e piangeva, la donna si è alzata implorando l'aiuto degli
osservatori - per proteggerla dai banditi. Quando mi hanno ferito, mi
hanno visto cadere ma nessuno di loro ha cercato di aiutarmi. Il
nostro checkpoint non esiste più. Non ci sono più civili a Taldou,
restano solo i miliziani. Il nostro rapporto con la gente del posto
era eccellente. Sono molto buoni con noi, hanno chiesto all'esercito
di entrare a Taldou. Siamo stati attaccati da cecchini". (…)
cecchini uccidono una decina tra soldati e poliziotti ai checkpoint
ogni giorno. E' vero che sono altrettante le vittime quotidiane degli
organismi di sicurezza ad Homs. Però, alle dieci di mattina, erano
stati già portati all'obitorio sei soldati morti, la maggior parte
uccisi con un colpo alla testa, e la giornata era appena iniziata...
i nomi degli uccisi nelle prime ore del mattino del 29 maggio:
Sergente Ibrahim Halyuf
Sergente Salman Ibrahim
Poliziotto Mahmoud Danaver
Coscritto Ali Daher
Sergeant Wisam Haidar
non è stato possibile chiarire il nome del soldato morto.
banditi hanno anche sparato una raffica automatica sul nostro gruppo
di giornalisti, anche se era chiaro che questa è una normale troupe,
composta da civili disarmati.
è iniziato l'attacco
la preghiera del venerdì, verso le ore 14 del 25 maggio, un gruppo
del clan di Al Aksh ha cominciato a sparare contro un checkpoint
governativo con mortai e lancia granate. Il fuoco di ritorno di un
autoblindo ha colpito la moschea, e questo era lo scopo stesso ovvero
di causare una provocazione più grande.
due gruppi guidati dai terroristi Nidal Bakkour e Al-Hassan, del clan
Hallak Al, sostenuti da un gruppo di mercenari, ha attaccato il
checkpoint superiore nella periferia est della città. Alle 15.30, il
checkpoint superiore è stato preso e tutti i prigionieri
giustiziati: un coscritto sunnita aveva la gola tagliata, mentre
Abdullah Shaui (Bedouin) di Deir-Zor è stato bruciato vivo.
l'attacco a questo checkpoint, gli armati hanno perso 25 di loro, che
poi sono stati presentati agli osservatori delle Nazioni Unite
insieme con i 108 civili morti - "vittime del regime",
presumibilmente uccisi dai bombardamenti dell'esercito siriano. Per
quanto riguarda i restanti 83 corpi, tra cui 38 bambini, erano le
famiglie giustiziate dai miliziani. Queste erano tutte famiglie
fedeli al governo di Siria.
con un funzionario di polizia:
mio nome è Al Khosam, sono un funzionario di polizia. Ho prestato
servizio nel villaggio di Taldou, distretto di Al-Hula, provincia di
Homs. Venerdì scorso, il nostro checkpoint è stato attaccato da un
folto gruppo di miliziani. Erano migliaia.
Come vi siete protetti?
Una semplice arma. Eravamo in 20 e abbiamo chiamato rinforzi. Proprio
quando stavano arrivando, sono stato ferito e ho ripreso conoscenza
in ospedale. Gli aggressori provenivano da Ar-Rastan e Al-Hula. Gli
insorti controllano Taldou. Hanno bruciato le case e ucciso le
persone delle famiglie fedeli al governo, violentate le donne e
ucciso i figli."
con un soldato ferito:
Ahmed Mahmoud al Khali e vengo dalla città di Manbej. Sono stato
ferito a Taldou con il gruppo di supporto venuto in aiuto dei nostri
compagni, che erano di stanza al checkpoint.
miliziani hanno distrutto due mezzi da combattimento e un autoblindo
al nostro checkpoint. Ci siamo spostati fuori Taldou per raccogliere
i nostri compagni feriti e poi siamo tornati. Dopo un po' sono
arrivati gli osservatori ONU e li abbiamo portati nelle case delle
famiglie che erano state colpite dai teppisti.
visto una famiglia di tre fratelli e il loro padre nella stessa
stanza. In un'altra stanza abbiamo trovato morti i bambini e la loro
madre. E un altro anziano era stato ucciso. Cinque uomini, donne e
bambini. La donna violentata e colpita alla testa, l'ho coperta con
un velo. E la commissione aveva visto tutto. Li hanno caricati in
macchina e si sono allontanati. Non so dove li hanno portati,
probabilmente alla sepoltura",
residente di Taldou:
pomeriggio ero a casa. Uditi i colpi, sono uscito a vedere cosa stava
succedendo e ho visto che il fuoco veniva dal lato nord verso la
posizione del checkpoint dell'esercito. Poiché l'esercito non
rispondeva, hanno iniziato ad avvicinarsi alle case, dove
successivamente la famiglia è stata uccisa. Quando l'esercito ha
iniziato a rispondere al fuoco, hanno usato le donne e i bambini come
scudi umani e hanno continuato a sparare verso il checkpoint. Quando
l'esercito ha risposto, sono scappati. Dopo di che, l'esercito ha
preso donne e bambini superstiti e li ha portati in salvo. In questo
momento, Al Jazeera manda in onda immagini che dicono che l'esercito
ha commesso il massacro di Al Hula.
realtà, hanno ucciso i civili ei bambini di Al-Hula. Questi banditi
non permettono a nessuno di svolgere il suo lavoro. Rubano tutto
quello su cui possono mettere le mani: grano, farina, benzina e gas.
La maggior parte dei combattenti sono della città di Ar Rastan".
aver bloccato la città, hanno portato alla moschea i corpi dei loro
compagni morti, così come quelli delle persone e bambini che avevano
ucciso, trasportandoli su dei pickup KIA. Il 25 maggio, intorno alle
20, i cadaveri erano già nella moschea. Il giorno successivo alle 11
del mattino gli osservatori delle Nazioni Unite arrivavano alla
dei media
esercitare una pressione sull'opinione pubblica e cambiare le
posizioni di Russia e Cina, i testi e i sottotitoli in russo e cinese
preparati anticipatamente recitavano: "Siria - Homs - città di
Hula. Terribile massacro perpetrato dalle forze armate del regime
siriano contro i civili nella città di Hula. Decine di vittime e il
loro numero sta crescendo, soprattutto donne e bambini, brutalmente
uccisi dai bombardamenti indiscriminati sulla città."
giorni dopo, il 27 maggio, dopo che i racconti dei residenti e le
registrazioni video effettuate avevano evidenziato che i fatti non
supportavano l'accusa dei bombardamenti, i video dei banditi
riportavano dei cambiamenti significativi. Alla fine del testo
appariva questo post-scriptum: "E alcuni sono stati uccisi con
dei coltelli".
Musin, Olga Kulygina, Al-Hula, Siria
HOULA MASSACRE: Opposition Terrorists "Killed Families Loyal to
the Government"
Marat Musin
incisive report by independent Russian journalist Marat Musin dispels
the lies and fabrications of the Western media.
The report is based on a chronology of events as well as eyewitness accounts. Entire pro-government families in Houla were massacred. The terrorists were not pro-government shabbiha militia as conveyed, in chorus, by the mainstream media, they were in large part mercenaries and professional killers operating under the auspices of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army (FSA): "When the rebels seized the lower checkpoint in the center of town and located next to the local police department, they began to sweep all the families loyal to the authorities in neighboring houses, including the elderly, women and children.
Several families of the Al-Sayed were killed, including 20 young children and the family of Abdul Razak. The people were killed with knives and shot at point blank range.
Then they presented the murdered [corpses] to the UN and the international community as victims of bombings by the Syrian army, something that was not verified by any marks on their bodies."
We call on our readers to forward this report far and wide, post it on facebook. .
The massacre in Houla is being blamed on the Syrian government without a shred of evidence. The objective is not only to isolate Syria politically and economically, but to develop a pretext and a justification for waging an R2P humanitarian war on Syria.
The US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has hinted that if the Security Council does not act, the US and its allies may consider "taking actions outside of the Annan plan and the authority of the [UN Security] Council.”
report by Marat Musin confirms that crimes against humanity are being committed by terrorist militia.
It is essential to reverse the tide of war propaganda which uses civilian deaths as a pretext to wage war, when those killings of civilians were carried out not by government forces but by professional terrorists operating under the helm of the US-NATO sponsored Free Syrian Army.Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Montreal, June 2012
The report is based on a chronology of events as well as eyewitness accounts. Entire pro-government families in Houla were massacred. The terrorists were not pro-government shabbiha militia as conveyed, in chorus, by the mainstream media, they were in large part mercenaries and professional killers operating under the auspices of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army (FSA): "When the rebels seized the lower checkpoint in the center of town and located next to the local police department, they began to sweep all the families loyal to the authorities in neighboring houses, including the elderly, women and children.
Several families of the Al-Sayed were killed, including 20 young children and the family of Abdul Razak. The people were killed with knives and shot at point blank range.
Then they presented the murdered [corpses] to the UN and the international community as victims of bombings by the Syrian army, something that was not verified by any marks on their bodies."
We call on our readers to forward this report far and wide, post it on facebook. .
The massacre in Houla is being blamed on the Syrian government without a shred of evidence. The objective is not only to isolate Syria politically and economically, but to develop a pretext and a justification for waging an R2P humanitarian war on Syria.
The US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has hinted that if the Security Council does not act, the US and its allies may consider "taking actions outside of the Annan plan and the authority of the [UN Security] Council.”
report by Marat Musin confirms that crimes against humanity are being committed by terrorist militia.
It is essential to reverse the tide of war propaganda which uses civilian deaths as a pretext to wage war, when those killings of civilians were carried out not by government forces but by professional terrorists operating under the helm of the US-NATO sponsored Free Syrian Army.Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Montreal, June 2012
the weekend of May 25, 2012, at about 2 PM, big groups of fighters
attacked and captured the town of Al – Hula of the Homs province.
Al-Houla is made up of three regions: the village of Taldou, Kafr
Laha and Taldahab, each of which had previously been home for 25-30
thousand people.
town was attacked from the north-east by groups of bandits and
mercenaries, numbering up to 700 people. The militants came from
Ar-Rastan (the Brigade of al-Farouk from the Free Syrian Army led by
the terrorist Abdul Razak Tlass and numbering 250), from the village
of Akraba (led by the terrorist Yahya Al-Yousef), from the village
Farlaha, joined by local gangsters, and from Al Houla.
city of Ar-Rastan has long been abandoned by most civilians. Now
Wahhabis from Lebanon dominate the scene, fueled with money and
weapons by one of the main orchestrators of international terrorism,
Saad Hariri, who heads the anti-Syrian political movement “Tayyar
Al-Mustaqbal” (“Future Movement”). The road from Ar-Rastan to
Al-Houla runs through Bedouin areas that remain mostly out of control
of government troops, which made the militant attacks on Al Hula a
complete surprise for the Syrian authorities.
the rebels seized the lower checkpoint in the center of town and
located next to the local police department, they began to sweep all
the families loyal to the authorities in neighboring houses,
including the elderly, women and children. Several families of the
Al-Sayed were killed, including 20 young children and the family of
the Abdul Razak. Many of those killed were “guilty” of the fact
that they dared to change from Sunnis to Shiites. The people were
killed with knives and shot at point blank range. Then they presented
the murdered to the UN and the international community as victims of
bombings by the Syrian army, something that was not verified by any
marks on their bodies.
idea that the UN observers had heard artillery fire against Al-Houla
in the Safir Hotel in Homs at night… I consider nothing short of a
bad joke. 50 kilometers lie between Homs and Al-Houla. What kind of
tanks or guns has this range? Yes, there was intensive gunfire in
Homs until 3 am, including heavy weapons. But, to give an example, on
the night of Monday to Tuesday shooting was due to an attempt by law
enforcement to regain control for a security corridor along the road
to Damascus, Tarik Al-Sham.
a visual inspection of Al Hula it is impossible to find traces of any
of fresh destruction, bombing and shelling. During the day, several
attacks by gunmen are made on the last remaining soldiers at the
Taldou checkpoint. Militants used heavy weapons and snipers made up
of professional mercenaries were active.
that once, the exactly same provocation failed at Shumar (Homs) and
49 militants and women and children were killed, when it was
organized just before a visit of Kofi Annan. The last provocation was
immediately exposed as soon as it became known that the bodies of the
previously kidnapped belonged to Alawites. This provocation also
contained serious inconsistencies – the names of those killed were
from people loyal to the authorities, there were no traces of
bombings, etc.
the provocation machine is running all the same. Today, the NATO
countries directly threat to bomb Syria, and a simultaneous expulsion
of Syrian diplomats has begun … As of today, there are no troops
within the city of Al Hula, but there are regularly heard bursts of
automatic fire, nonetheless. Moreover, it is unclear whether the
militants are fighting with each other, or whether supporters
of Bashar al-Assad are being cleaned out.
Militants opened fire on virtually everyone who tries to get closer to the border town. Before us a UN convoy was fired upon and two armored jeeps of the UN observers were damaged, when they tried to drive up to an army checkpoint in Tal Dow.
Militants opened fire on virtually everyone who tries to get closer to the border town. Before us a UN convoy was fired upon and two armored jeeps of the UN observers were damaged, when they tried to drive up to an army checkpoint in Tal Dow.
the attack on the convoy a twenty-year-old terrorist was spotted. The
fire was directed on the unprotected slopes of the first jeep, the
back door of the second armored car was hooked by a fragment. There
are wounded among those accompanying.
According to a wounded soldier: “The next day, UN observers came to us at the checkpoint and as soon as they arrived, gunmen opened fire on them. And three of us were injured. One was wounded in the leg, the second – in the back, and I was hit in the hip.
According to a wounded soldier: “The next day, UN observers came to us at the checkpoint and as soon as they arrived, gunmen opened fire on them. And three of us were injured. One was wounded in the leg, the second – in the back, and I was hit in the hip.
the observers came, they could hear a woman who was standing next to
them and cried, the woman stood and pleaded the observers’ help –
to protect her from the bandits. When I was wounded, the observers
watched as I fell, but none of them tried to help. Our checkpoint no
longer exists. There are no civilians any longer in Taldou, only
militants remain. Our relationship to the locals was excellent. They
are very good to us; they called on the army to enter Taldou. We were
attacked by snipers.”
many of the militants are professional snipers. 100-200 meters from
our group TV-crew, militants attacked a BMP that went to replace
soldiers at the checkpoint. During this a soldier – draftee got a
concussion and slight tangential wound in the head by a sniper
bullet. Looking at the pierced Kevlar helmet, it seems he did not
even realize that he survived by a miracle.
kill up to 10 soldiers and policemen at checkpoints each day. It is
true, that the daily casualties of law enforcement agencies in Homs
were dozens of victims daily. But, unfortunately, at 10 am, six dead
soldiers were taken to the morgue. Most were killed by a shot in the
head. And the day had just begun…
these are the names of those were killed by snipers in the early
morning hours of May 29:
Ibrahim Halyuf
2° Sergeant Salman Ibrahim
3°Policeman Mahmoud Danaver
4° Conscript Ali Daher
5°Sergeant Wisam Haidar
6° the dead soldier’s family name could not be clarified.
2° Sergeant Salman Ibrahim
3°Policeman Mahmoud Danaver
4° Conscript Ali Daher
5°Sergeant Wisam Haidar
6° the dead soldier’s family name could not be clarified.
although it was clear that this is a normal filming crew, consisting
of unarmed civilians.
Friday prayers at about 2 PM on May, 25th a group from the Al Aksh
clan started firing on a checkpoint of law enforcement officers from
mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Returning fire from a BRDM hit
the mosque, and this was the very aim to lead to a bigger
two groups of militants led by the terrorist Nidal Bakkour and
Al-Hassan from the Al Hallak clan, supported by a unit of
mercenaries, attacked the upper checkpoint on the eastern outskirts
of the city. At 15.30 the upper checkpoint was taken, and all the
prisoners executed: a Sunni conscript had his throat cut, while
Abdullah Shaui (Bedouin) of Deir-Zor was burned alive.
the attack on the upper checkpoint in the east, the armed men lost 25
people, which were then submitted to the UN observers, together with
the 108 dead civilians – “victims of the regime”, allegedly
killed by bombing and shelling of the Syrian army. As for the
remaining 83 bodies, including 38 young children, they were from the
families that were executed by militants. These families were
all loyal to the government of Syria.
with a law enforcement officer:
“My name is Al Khosam, I am a law enforcement officer. I served in the village of Taldou, the district of Al-Houla, a province of Homs. On Friday, our checkpoint was attacked by a large group of militants. There were thousands.
“My name is Al Khosam, I am a law enforcement officer. I served in the village of Taldou, the district of Al-Houla, a province of Homs. On Friday, our checkpoint was attacked by a large group of militants. There were thousands.
How do you protect yourself?
Answer: A simple weapon. We had 20 people, we called support, and when they were coming for us, I was wounded, and regained consciousness in the hospital. The attackers were from Ar-Rastan and Al-Hula. Insurgents control Taldou. They burned houses and killed people by the families, because they were loyal to the government. Raped the women and killed the children.”
Answer: A simple weapon. We had 20 people, we called support, and when they were coming for us, I was wounded, and regained consciousness in the hospital. The attackers were from Ar-Rastan and Al-Hula. Insurgents control Taldou. They burned houses and killed people by the families, because they were loyal to the government. Raped the women and killed the children.”
with a wounded soldier:
“I am Ahmed Mahmoud al Khali. I’m from the city Manbej. Was wounded in Taldou. I come from a support group that came to the aid of our comrades, who were stationed at the checkpoint.
“I am Ahmed Mahmoud al Khali. I’m from the city Manbej. Was wounded in Taldou. I come from a support group that came to the aid of our comrades, who were stationed at the checkpoint.
destroyed two infantry fighting vehicles and one BRDM standing at our
checkpoint. We moved out to Taldou in a BMP, to pick up our wounded
comrades from the checkpoint within the city. We drove them back in
the BMP, and I filled in their place.
after a while the UN observers came. They came to us, we led them to
the homes of families who were cut by thugs.
saw a family of three brothers and their father in the same room. In
another room we found dead young children and their mother. And
another one- an old man killed in this house. Only five men, women
and children. The woman raped and shot in the head, I covered her
with a blanket. And the commission had seen them all. They put them
in the car and drove away. I do not know where they took them,
probably for burial.”
resident of Taldou on the roof of the police department:
Friday afternoon I was home. Hearing the shots, I came out to watch
what was happening and saw that the fire came from the north side,
towards the location of army checkpoint. As the army did not respond,
they started to approach the homes, were subsequently the family was
killed. When the army started to return fire, they used the women and
children as human shields and continued firing at the checkpoint.
When the army began answered, they fled. After that, the army took
the surviving women and children and brought them into safety. At
this time, Al Jazeera aired pictures and said that the Army committed
the massacre at Al Hula.
fact, they killed the civilians and children in Al-Hula. The bandits
did not allow anyone to carry out their work. They steal everything
that they can get their hands on: wheat, flour, oil and gas. Most of
the fighters are from the city of Ar Rastan.”
After they captured the city, they carried the bodies of their dead comrades, as well as the bodies of people and the children they killed to the mosque. They carried the bodies in KIA pickups. On May, 25th, at around 8 PM, the corpses were already in the mosque. The next day at 11 o’clock in the morning the UN observers arrived at the mosque.
After they captured the city, they carried the bodies of their dead comrades, as well as the bodies of people and the children they killed to the mosque. They carried the bodies in KIA pickups. On May, 25th, at around 8 PM, the corpses were already in the mosque. The next day at 11 o’clock in the morning the UN observers arrived at the mosque.
Media Disinformation
To exert pressure on public opinion and change the positions of Russia and China, texts and subtitles in Russian and Chinese languages were prepared in advance, reading: “Syria – Homs – the city of Hula. A terrible massacre perpetrated by the armed forces of the Syrian regime against civilians in the town of Houla. Dozens of victims and their number is growing, mainly women and children, brutally killed by indiscriminate bombing of the CITY.”
To exert pressure on public opinion and change the positions of Russia and China, texts and subtitles in Russian and Chinese languages were prepared in advance, reading: “Syria – Homs – the city of Hula. A terrible massacre perpetrated by the armed forces of the Syrian regime against civilians in the town of Houla. Dozens of victims and their number is growing, mainly women and children, brutally killed by indiscriminate bombing of the CITY.”
days later, on May 27, after the residents’ stories and video
recordings made showed that the facts do not support the allegation
of shelling and bombing, the bandits’ videos had undergone
significant changes. At the end of the text appeared this postscript:
“And some were killed with knives.”
Musin, Olga Kulygina, Al-Houla, Syria
text / source:
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